Birgu – Città Vittoriosa: A 2020 Vision

Exploring the history and traditions of the small Maltese community of Birgu

The people of Birgu are no strangers to celebrations.  The calendar is marked by processions at Good Friday and Easter, the festas of St. Lawrence and St. Dominic in August, and the candle-lit BirguFest in October.  For many residents, however, this year has extra significance, as it marks the 200th anniversary of the elevation of the Church of St. Lawrence to Collegiate status.

The parish of St. Lawrence is one of the oldest in Malta. The original church was founded by the Aragonese when they established a base in Castrum Maris (Fort St. Angelo).  When the Order of St. John came to Malta in 1530 they took it over as their Conventual Church, a role it fulfilled until the Knights moved to Valletta in 1571.

The present structure was built in the late 17thcentury, and served as Birgu’s parish church until Pope Pius VII bestowed upon it the status of Collegiate Church, in 1820.

A Collegiate Church is one in which a group of priests, the Chapter, is responsible for maintaining daily worship.  It has an organisational structure and religious observance similar to those of a cathedral.  Although a Collegiate Church is ordinarily under the jurisdiction of the local diocesan bishop, the erection and dissolution of a college, and some other elements of its administration, are powers reserved to the Pope. Indeed, the cathedral chapter has little influence over its activities and the canons of a Collegiate Church have no formal responsibilities to the laity of the diocese outside of their own parish.

Today’s celebrations were in many ways similar to other celebrations throughout the year.  Flags were flown, streets were decorated with traditional pavaluni, and bells were rung throughout the morning.

A procession filed from the main square to the Couvre Porte, led by the St. Lawrence band with the priests, members of the Local Council and the general public following.

At the Couvre Porte these representatives of Church and City welcomed His Eminence Cardinal Peter Turkson.

The Cardinal joined the procession back to the main square and to the Santa Scholastica Church.  From here the clergy processed to the Church of St. Lawrence, where a Solemn Pontifical Mass was said.  The Mass was presided over by the Cardinal, along with the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Alessandro D’Errico and the Chapter and priests of Birgu.  

Following the Mass a new tunic for the titular statue of St. Lawrence was blessed, and the square opposite the church was formally renamed ‘Wesgħet il-Kolleġġjata 1820’.  The celebrations were rounded off in true Maltese fashion with the letting off of a volley of fireworks.